
Influencing Others In Their Decisions

(You are an entrepreneur and being so you have poured your heart and soul into envisioning a dream, and directing that dream towards reality)

In The Driver's Seat By Visualization

(No matter where you are standing in the phase of your business plan, whether it is the inception of your idea, or the expansion... there is forward momentum developing. It is your responsibility not to stalemate this movement by limited thinking)

Never Too Small A Business To Be A Victim: Pandemic

(Don’t be caught at the worst possible moment without a plan. Lives may well depend on your foresight, including yours. It is never too early or too foolish to dish up an ounce of prevention. And it well may be the most cost effective means of ensuring survival through a very volatile and threatening time. )

Riding The Waves of Liquidity and Keeping your Head Above Water in Tough Times

(Tightening up the Cash Conversion Cycle [CCC] to increase the chance for obtaining financing... here's how...)

The Modifications Of The Fittest

(A case study on modifying a product base to better serve the customer’s individual and current needs, rather than a generic blanket approach .)

All You Need To Know Before You Sell Your Accounts Receivables

(It is prudent for you to know what you are heading into in order to negotiate the best arrangement for you and your business. After all this is a more expensive form of financing, and borrowing against your receivables inevitably lowers your profit margin.)

Surviving The Future Today

(In the face of an ever changing world, the ability to see the tides that sweep in on you and your enterprise can mean the difference between optimizing oncoming opportunities; or mitigating losses from their crippling effects.)

You're Not Married To That Slogan... Dump It And Change

( will be interesting to keep an eye on how receptive their customers will be , if this is a “hall-of-fammer” kind of the mean time... how’s your slogan doing? )

Article Marleting 101

(All you needed to know about Article Marketing in one convenient spot.)


(A globular about face is being introduced for search engines: from an address based listing, to an all out solution based portal, with a outfit called Findsolve pioneering the movement.)

The Ultimate Press Release

(Your objective is not only to get the release posted on the sites your distributor"s package offered and which you paid for; you are hoping for a bigger bang for your dollar. To entice "the press" to be interested and pick it up for publishing in their media as well such as: magazines, newspapers, blogs....etc. )


(There is quite a wide array of business styles swimming in the internet ocean. From the savvy to the sharks... the waters hold them all. Yet survival of the fittest is not necessarily the one who can take the largest bite in the quickest amount of time; but rather the one who surely and steadfastly assembles a foundation of trust and interaction with their client base. )

Social Media Video Marketing Is One Of The Hottest Ways To Sell Virtually

(the potential for marketing via video is crazy)

When The Buckshot Approack Fails You

(It seems as though the fine art of networking has however been lost in the high speed shuffle and that is a very dangerous and time consuming mistake to make.)

The Taming Of The Facebook Shrew

(I have a problem now, my smorgasbord of virtual life has taken on an entity and persona of it’s own, overpowering me at times and certainly thinking it can consume a large portion of my rare time and attention. It is my own fault though, I allowed the monster to grow on it’s own without pulling back on the reigns earlier than this. )

Hobo Marketing

(There is a trend in marketing which may come as a surprise to a few. As cited by Trend Hunter Magazine (.com) It is the return of the “vagabond.” )

Why Try Free Press Release Services

(It wasn’t too long ago, when I found in my email a promotion from a paid press release service. It was very blunt and point blank about the uselessness of free press release services. So let’s see if we can take a crack at it and even up the argument some.)


Forum Marketing: Tricky Yet Productive

(Want to feel the pulse of your market niche? Know exactly where to put your finger on it gauge what they really think, have issues with, or needs that are unanswered.)

The Nuances of Newsletter Marketing (and in Essesnce List Building)

(While most other marketing efforts are geared to solicit prospects to your site, list building it a tool and technique that allows a continuation of servicing the prospect once they are there.)

Spamming, Spamming and even More Spamming!

(It seems at the cost of innocent and legitimate business who stand in the middle a scammer and a large corporation as a wall, allowing both to ignore the existence of each other and continue on as "business as usual." Unfortunately the one who pays the price is the one in the middle.)

Beauty and Success by Your Own Creation

(There is no one who can see you better than yourself. Now is the time to take personal responsibility for the beauty you truly are. Don't wait for others to acknowledge your finer points. Love yourself! and start now!)

Charting The growth of A New Solutions Based Search Platform: Findsolve

(I caught up with FINDSOLVE’s founder Brad Greene in the middle of his "Nth Hemisphere Marketing" tour, (from London UK to LA in 30 days) ... he was just heading in to meet with Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco but took the time out to respond to my questions on his growth and inevitable growing pains.)


Making An Animated GIF Display Ad On A Shoe String

(Includes a YouTube Demonstration... this article is all you need to know in putting together a good looking GIF Display Ad.)

Current Trends In Display Advertising: What's Hot

(A look at what the consumers are prefering and taking notice of when it concerns size, placement and type of display ad....)

Step Back Kids This Is The Way 2010 Promotional Designers Tag Their Urban Environments

(Welcome to the highly interactive and captivating world of projection marketing and it's endless possibilities.)

Online Blackmail Marketing

(There has been an influx of malware attacks and it's venue is as an affiliate to a legitimate business. Could you be next?)

Yoono Tames the Social Networking Jungle

(The hats an internet marketer wears are many, so when an application comes along that makes the juggling of duties in the jungle of people and networks easier, you just got to love it. Yoono is one of those applications....)

Propaganda Marketing

(the onset of the internet flushed our worlds with information, both hard and heavy like a great dam busting loose. It was (and still is) next to impossible to monitor and mediate the viability as well as truth in the billions of tid-bits flowing freely on the information highway. This created a predicament for the information seeker. This new medium does not by any means run along the rules of it’s predecessor’s foundations... that old credo of "just the facts". )

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